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Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So Monday crashed into us with bad attitudes, bickering, and general naughty behavior. And that was just my DH - lol! DH had a little too much to drink Sunday night and was totally useless to me Monday. The kids must have swallowed some kind of bad child tincture or something because they were rough.

We had taken them apple picking on Sunday which was really nice. Then we went Buckeye hunting Monday and my step-son Carter just would not listen. They all had a really nice time wandering around in the woods looking for buckeyes but I could have done without the wet pants and shoes from the creek and the attitude in the car on the way there and back.

Lunch was disastrous. We tried to go to the pool since in was the last day but the water was so cold no one wanted to swim so home we went. The more whining and not listening.

But we made it through. Got everyone's lunches packed and the whole rigamerole for today.

Everyone slept well but my alarm was not set and I got up 45 minutes late this morning!!!! UGH!!!! Not the best way to start my week. But I made it to work only 15 minutes late so we got it all done.

Thank God I'm organized or we'd be up a creek.

So hard to leave little Charles this morning. My first full day back at work and away from him. It's been nice to ease back into it over the last 3 weeks but I miss him so much already. I know it'll get easier but he's just so little. Things are just so different this time then they were with my first 2. Ah well, back to the grind.

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